I met with an artist friend and had a great chat about painting. He gave me a fun exercise which I tried, to help find out what my natural painting/drawing stroke is - curves or linear? You let your mind wonder and your hand doodle across the page, your natural rhythm will show. Draw patterns and keep your lines flowing but keep the lines very close together at all times. I giggled when he said, it's better when you have a beer or glass of wine in the other hand!
I turned out to be natural at drawing curves, my husband drew nothing but squares and triangles. Perhaps that says something about our personalities? After this exercise we were in Indigo and bought a book in the "sale" section called Brain Games Dare to Doodle; "This book is filled with simple, fun doodle activities designed with to keep you in mind. No artistic ability is required. So tap into your undiscovered creative side and start doodling!" It's great to sit in front of the TV and let my hands doodle while my mind wanders! The results are quite neat and I have a laugh doing it.