Friday, November 22, 2013

Fundraising for ART!

This year I was able to participate and attend the Opening Receptions of two painting fundraising events.

The first was the first year for the Federation of Canadian Artists’ (FCA) Ten Squared show. A show where all paintings are 10”x10” and signatures are on the back of the work. Ten Squared runs until December 8th and is located on Granville Island.


Last night I attended the opening for the 9th Annual Anonymous Show at the North Vancouver Art Council gallery (one of my favourites). It’s the fifth year for me participating… the artist remains a mystery until after the art is purchased!

This year’s Anonymous Show opening went well. I think there are more people each year and last night was definitely a ‘shoulder to shoulder’ attendance!


One of the ‘tweets’ sent last night said… “We already sold over 50 paintings in the 1st hour! So ‪#exciting to be here, 360 artists and 738 ‪#artpieces!” Two of my pieces sold which is great.

I was also fortunate to meet one of the buyers of my paintings called “Clyde”. Really friendly lady and she said she also wanted to buy “Nosey Parker” - but someone else got him before her.


     Cafe Moo Lait                                      Nosey Parker

The Anonymous Show runs till December 21st and if you didn’t make it last night, I highly recommend you check it out before it closes! ~ Sharka

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Life Drawing

Do you recall me saying, I'm going to hang in with the 'Life Drawing' for awhile. It will give me practice, make my sketching/drawing for my paintings easier, and get the right side of my brain working?” That was November 4th, 2011!

Here we are 2 years later and I actually took the last two years off from the class! Last Thursday was my first time back and the first time the group “Simply Drawing” used our studio -
Silent Poetry Art Studio. I used the short poses to work on faces - my nemesis. 

Life Drawing is a weekly non-instructional 3-hour class that meets every Thursday evening from 6.30 to 9.30pm. We practice our drawing skills in a friendly, non-competitive environment.

We alternate male and female professional models that pose unclothed, and aim for a diversity in age and body shapes. The group is for both amateur and experienced artists and we welcome all skill levels!

During the 3-hour session we have a series of short 1 and 2 minutes warm up poses. Then we move into a few long poses 5 to 25-30 minutes long.

Simply Drawing has the life drawing essentials - chairs, easels, music, tea and… CHOCOLATE!

So join us and bring your drawing materials, paper and sense of humour. We love to laugh! 
~ Sharka

Monday, September 16, 2013

We're Open for Culture Days 2013!

Sandrine and I are participating in this year's Culture Days! 

The first 50 visitors can make their very own greeting cards using watercolour and paper embellishments. We will have two designs available and supplies will be included. 
One card will be created using a watercolour painting technique, the other using paper techniques.

Because Culture Days promotes and supports arts in the community, we want to provide an opportunity for people to try their hand at watercolour and paper card making! ~ Sharka

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

SUMMER Memories Mini Album

I must tell you all that Vancouver, the city known for it’s rain drops, has surpassed its previous record for the sunniest July ever... AND... it has also been the first time on record where we have had a whole calendar month completely dry!

We got a day of rain just this past Friday and it was nice and refreshing! By Saturday afternoon, the sun and warm temperatures returned… it truly has been the best July ever!

Now, do you love mini albums? I sure do! Minis are fun to create and they are the perfect way to capture not only a special event or time, but also a entire season.

Today I am going to share a mini that is perfect to capture some of your favourite Summer moments!

Summer is flying by… I hope you are enjoying every moment of it! I know I am! ~ Sharka

Monday, July 22, 2013

Cat Named Rumbles

Do you have a Cat?

What is a Cat?

Gentle eyes that see so much,
paws that have the quiet touch.

Purrs to signal "all is well"
and show more love than words can tell.

Graceful movements touched with pride,
a calming presence by our side.

A friendship that will last and grow –
small wonder why we love them so.
~ Author Unknown

I have an artist friend named AJ. From her biography, “AJ’s world is one of bright colours, and textures as tactile as an artist’s canvas, or as smooth as the fur of one her favourite artistic subjects, her cat Rumbles. 

Sadly AJ recently lost Rumbles… :(

I felt I had to do something, so I created a memory keepsake mini album for her.  I finished the album this weekend and delivered it to her studio today. She is away on summer vacation and it will be waiting on her return.


Cat Superstitions?
  • A strange black cat on your porch brings prosperity.
  • When moving to a new home, always put the cat through the window instead of the door, so that it will not leave.
  • To reverse the bad luck curse of a black cat crossing your path, first walk in a circle, then go backward across the spot where it happened and count to 13…. Really
Cat Facts?
  • A happy cat carries its tail upright, while a nervous one holds it down low.
  • Cats' eyes don't glow in the dark, they only reflect light.
  • Cats lick people as a sign of affection
I could tell you more, but I won’t do that to you all… ~ Sharka